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CTO, senior software engineer/architect, entrepreneur, speaker, teacher, published author, and advisor with experience:

:: building end-to-end mobile apps for iOS and Android (react-native and ionic)

:: building API's and full-stack web applications in Ruby on Rails, NodeJS/Express, HTML5, CSS, ES6, JavaScript, Python, and ReactJS (react).

:: teaching developers of all levels and explaining complex concepts to non-programmers in ways that are easy to understand

:: working with credit card processing, geolocation, databases, chatbots, cryptocurrency, sms, push notifications, email apis and many more

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:: adventuroo

Adventuroo connects families with engaging at-home experiences and kid-friendly dining. You can find an array of subscription boxes, reviewed by parents, for inspiring and enriching at-home projects, as well as family-friendly restaurants so you can truly enjoy your dining experience. React-native with Ruby on Rails back end. Geolocation based results, photo upload, Google Places API integration, S3, and Firebase. Available on iOS and Android.

:: tapster

Convenience store alcohol, keg, and snack delivery service. NodeJS/Express back end with admin and store control panels. Separate apps for customers and drivers (react_native). Geolocation based search results, Stripe integration for credit card processing and store payout (stripe connect).

:: prkd_pizza

Pizza restaurant concept and delivery service. Ruby on Rails back end with admin control panel. Separate apps for customers, drivers, and mobile kitchens (react_native). Back end dispatches order to nearest truck based on customer geolocation. Manages drivers' locations and dispatches. Stripe integration for credit card processing and driver payout (stripe connect).

:: quiet_dining

iOS and Android mobile app (Ionic/Angular) with Ruby on Rails API back end, custom analytics, and control panel

:: sunnies.io

Full-stack e-commerce web application for SUNNIES Club (sunglasses every 1, 2, or 3 months). Modeled and built from scratch with Ruby on Rails - full e-commerce with monthly subscription features, inventory management, custom admin and fulfillment portal, custom customer account management portal, Stripe integration for credit card processing, Mailgun email integration.

:: safe_roommate

Full-stack web application for LA-based roommate matching service. Modeled and built from scratch with Ruby on Rails. Facebook OAuth integration, in-app messaging/inbox, Google maps integration, subscription features, custom admin, custom Content Management System (CMS), Stripe integration for credit card processing, Mailgun email integration.

:: exolens.com

Ruby on Rails API, e-commerce, integration with WooCommerce, Wordpress, and custom plugins

:: optrix.com

Ruby on Rails API, e-commerce, integration with WooCommerce, Wordpress, and custom plugins

:: wearelatech slack inviter

Ruby on Rails API hooks into typeform

:: wearelatech app

iOS and Android mobile app (Ionic/Angular) with Ruby on Rails API back end, custom analytics, and control panel

:: coinbot for slack (slack bot)

Realtime cryptocurrency price chatbot for slack. Ruby on Rails microservices architecture. Full custom control panel and custom analytics.

:: coinbot for telegram (telegram bot)

Microservice for coinbot telegram chatbot

:: sense bot - SENSE ICO (telegram bot)

Ruby on Rails API for SENSE ICO telegram chatbot

:: guardium bot - Guardium ICO (telegram bot)

Ruby on Rails API for Guardian Circle (Guardium) ICO telegram chatbot

(and many more over the years...)

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	((iracasts cheatsheets))
	Cheat Sheet: Datastructures and Algorithms
	NodeJS: How to access your MongoDB in a command-line node shell using mongoose
	ReactJS Props
	Python/Django command lines Cheatsheet
	Simple Authentication in Rails 5 with has_secure_password | ROR
	MEANbean Full MEAN stack CRUD app cheatsheet | NODE
	Javascript functions and conditionals using (){}, and semicolons cheatsheet | JS

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   \ \_\

	WeAreLATech Spotlight on LA Startups | Cheddar | WeAreLATech Mobile App @ 3:30-3:50, 6:36-6:51
	GA Instructor Page - Ira Herman | Classes Taught at GA (partial list)
	LinkedIn - Ira Herman
	GitHub - Ira Herman
	Host of WeAreLATech Crypto Fridays
	Guest Host of Women In Tech Show
